Successful blood donation drive in February 2022

The Partnerschaftsverein Allensbach-Ghana organized a successful blood donation drive in Allensbach on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022 in cooperation with the DRK blood donation service.

149 people showed up willing to donate, and 139 blood donations were handed over, including 10 first-time donors, a great success!

We would like to thank all donors and the numerous helpers for the organization, the help with the campaign and the numerous cake donations.

With the campaign we were able to raise a considerable amount for our projects and we gained the opportunity to present our association and the projects to a broader public. Which also resulted in a smaller, direct donation amount into the donation box that was set up.

Everyone involved had a lot of fun with the campaign, the contact with each other and with the mostly unknown donors was visibly felt after the long "lack of contact" time.

Report of the general meeting of the "Partnerschaftsverein Allensbach-Ghana" from September 23, 2022

Chairman Michael Pfeffer opened the meeting and, in addition to the members who had appeared, was also able to welcome our partners from Ghana - Lucilla and Oxford Dayouri - as guests.

The extensive activities of the association in Ghana were presented and explained in the annual report of the board of directors.

With grants from the SEZ and significant donations, a fish farm for over 6000 fish, together with the necessary marketing systems for cooling and transport, could be built and procured.

The community garden that was also created is irrigated with the treated water from the fish basins via a drip irrigation system, so that the nutrients in the water are used by the plants.

In the social area, numerous widows and the needy were able to obtain basic health insurance, and a simple hut was built for an abandoned, impoverished woman, which could be the beginning of a women's center. In addition, the construction of a community house for the blind has started.

Various small operations (fractures, and eye operations) were also financed.

After the report on the finances of the association by the responsible cashier Claudia Dargel and the report of the cash auditor, the cashier and the board were unanimously approved.

In the following outlook, reference was made to the current projects, training in the field of fish farming, securing the fish feed requirements by purchasing a "fufu machine" (eccentric press) and the completion and establishment of the "house for the blind".

After the completion of the regulations, there was a "comfortable get-together" with snacks and drinks for exchange between the members and the guests.

Meeting with Nese Erikli (Member of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament) and the project manager Lucilla Dayuori from Ghana on November 20th, 2021

Ms. Dayuori was a guest in Allensbach. On this occasion, Nese Erikli informed himself about the status of the project fish farming with horticulture and the social work of Lucilla Dayuori.

Member Of Regional Parliament Nese Erikli And Ghana Project Lead Lucilla Dayuori Visit Our Association 2021 11 20 01 1600 1066


Other projects and topics were discussed over coffee and cake, in particular on how to improve the situation of women in Ghana.

Member Of Regional Parliament Nese Erikli And Ghana Project Lead Lucilla Dayuori Visit Our Association 2021 11 20 02 1600 1066

Visit of Allensbach mayor Friedrich with family on November 29th, 2021

At the invitation of the Board of Directors on the occasion of Ms. Dayuori's visit, Mayor Friedrich and his family inquired about the situation in Ghana and pointed out further possibilities for intensifying cooperation between Allensbach and Ghana.

Mayor Friedrich And Lucilla Dayuori Visit Our Association 2021 11 29 01 1200 1600


Des Weiteren hat Frau Dayuori die nächsten Projekte “Haus für Blinde“ und “Operationen Leistenbruch und Grauer Star“ vorgestellt.

Handover of the SEZ funding certificate by Nese Erikli (Member of the Baden-Württemberg State Parliament) on April 17th, 2021

Nese Erikli hands over the sponsorship certificate of the Baden-Württemberg Foundation for Development Cooperation (SEZ) in the amount of EUR 20,000 for the "Fish farming with horticulture" project to the board members Michael Pfeffer and Gerhard Hausler.

Member Of Regional Parliament Nese Erikli Presents The SEZ Sponsoring Certificate To Our Association 2021 04 17 01 1600 1066